Northeast Motorhome Association Minutes: July 22, 2018

admin July 22, 2018 0 Comments


The Pres asked for Roll Call

The Secretary stated that the meeting was being recorded and asked for any objections. No objections were made. Two VPs asked if anyone else was recording the meeting. The Pres stated she was not. Two VPs stated they were not. Roll call was taken by the Secretary:


  • Barbara Smith – Pres.
  • Lou Snow – Sr. VP
  • Jim Sennett – Tres
  • Donna Merlino – Sec
  • John Traphagen – VP
  • Don Osterhout – VP
  • Harley Soulia – VP
  • Tom Ziobrowski – VP

Invited Guests:

Charles Schrenkel – Past FMCA National Pres. : Lon Cross – Western Area VP

All board members were present. Meeting was called to order by the Pres at 7:36 p.m

The Pres reviewed the Agenda as follows:

Secretary Report
Treasurer Report
Annual Meeting
International Rally Update
Executive Board Update

Secretary Report:

Sec stated that she sent an email to all members of the executive board on Thurs. 7/19 with copies of 4 meeting minutes of the NEA Exec Board that have yet to be approved by the Exec Board along with proposed changes that the Pres had sent previously in regards to changes for the 4/29 minutes. Sec requested she dispense from the reading of those minutes as she emailed them to all board members previous to this meeting and all board members have had sufficient time to review said minutes.

Sr. VP began to introduce a Motion to approve the 4/29 minutes and the Pres interrupted and asked for a clarification as to which minutes were being discussed – “the corrected minutes that she had sent or the copy that the Sec sent”. The Sec explained that there are only one set of minutes that are being recognized by the board, and they are the minutes that were taken on 4/29 by the Sec.; written and forwarded by the Secretary of the NEA Executive Board on 7/19. Any other minutes are illegal or not being recognized by the NEA Executive Board because they were not recorded or done by the Secretary.

Motion made by Sr. VP, Lou Snow to accept the 4/29 business meeting minutes as originally written and documented by the NEA Sec. Donna Merlino. 2nd by VP, Don Osterhout.

There was extensive discussion regarding the corrected unapproved minutes that were submitted to the Board of Directors by the Pres. A board member called the question; a roll call vote was requested by the Pres and it was done by the Sec with seven (7) for the motion and one against. The Pres acknowledged the vote but did not announce that the Motion carried.

Pres moved on to the minutes of 5/6. The Sec stated that the minutes of 5/6 were also forwarded to the board for review and asked that they be submitted for filing as written.

Motion made by Sr. VP, Lou Snow to accept the 5/6; 5/20 and 6/10 minutes as written and recorded by the Secretary of the NEA Executive Board, Donna Merlino. 2nd by VP, Don Osterhout. There was a question as to the validity of the minutes and a request by the Pres for the secretary to forward the electronic recording of all 3 meetings be sent to the Pres for her review. Discussion and questions; a board member called the question; a roll call vote was requested by the Pres and it was done by the Sec with seven (7) for the motion and one against. Motion carried.

Treasures Report:

Treasurer reported a balance of $59,961.78 as of 7/22/18. The Pres asked for a listing of all changes made to the Rally Report during the 4/29/18 meeting minutes. The Pres also asked for all material dated 8/17 to 8/18 needed for an Audit and asked that it be sent to National Office (Penny Gortmeiller) wherein she will scan those documents for an audit to be completed by mail. The Pres stated that this material would be forwarded to the 3 people that she (The Pres) has already appointed to the Audit Committee. The 3 people appointed to that committee are: Maureen Pelletier – Yankee Travelers; Donna Matz – Granite Staters and Harold Wollaber.

Annual Meeting

Discussion regarding internet and phone service for the board members that would be located at Bainbridge NY for the NEA Annual Meeting via Tele-Conference. The Pres suggested purchasing computer hardware and software for the Sec to participate in that Tele-Conference. The board was informed that there is no internet service at the Rally location and the phone service is minimal at best. The board’s consensus was that purchasing the above items would not help that situation. The Pres confirmed that the Annual Meeting is scheduled for August 31, 11:00 a.m. by phone.

Motion made by Sr. VP, Lou Snow that the NEA reimburse current board member for rally costs, mileage, early arrival entry fees and any expenses related to the Annual Business Meeting being held in Bainbridge NY, August 31. 2nd by the Sec

The Pres requested a roll call vote; before a vote could be completed she (The pres) asked that the Motion be read again and asked for clarification that she be reimbursed as well for travel expenses to Wells, Maine. The sec amended the Motion as follows: the NEA reimburse current board members for rally costs, mileage, early arrival entry fees and travel expenses to Bainbridge, NY and the President to travel to Wells, Maine for the Annual Meeting being held by teleconference on August 31, 2018. 2nd by the Pres. Roll call vote – all in favor; Motion carried

Gillette Rally Update – 1,753 attendees; opinion that the FMCA store needs to be moved from the fulfillment center to something in-house. No discussion, no questions

Motion made by Sr. VP – that the NEA Executive Board will vote by majority a “Vote of No Confidence” in the ability to lead the Northeast Area of FMCA by President Barbara Smith. 2nd by VP Osterhout; The Pres asked for a roll call vote – seven (7) in favor; one (1) against. The Pres then asked for “time to research this more before she hears the motion”; she was informed that the motion was voted on and the time for discussion had passed. The Pres then stated that the motion carried.

The Pres asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion made by Secretary to adjourn the meeting; 2nd by VP Osterhout; President announced that the meeting was adjourned at 8:22 pm
Donna Merlino
NEA Executive Board

Approved 07/23/2018 – – Posted on 07/25/2018

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