Northeast Motorhome Association Minutes: April 28, 2019

Northeast Area Minutes 4/28/19

Date April 28, 2019 Time: 7:00 pm Via Conference Call

Barbara Smith called meeting to order

Anne states she is taping the minutes on her phone

Roll Call:

Barbara Smith, Lou Snow, Charlie Lawrence, John Poppe, Anne Archambault, Patricia Pritchard, Charlotte Burrell, Maureen Pelletier, Tom Ziobrowski.

Invited Guest:

Connie Poole


Swearing in of Charlotte Burrell
Bylaws Highlights
NEA Documents/Knowledge Base
Rally Registration Form
Area Rally Planning Meeting

Barbara asked for approval of Agenda

Barbara continued to swear in Charlotte Burrell, Vice President and spoke to her about the Code of Ethics, she asked her to read it and sign and email it to her and the secretary.


Northeast Area Web site has an under construction banner on it.
Changes to the names of the officers are being made
Confidentiality, discussion was held on using good judgment when sharing information.

Charlotte questioned the statement “Area Officers shall not circulate beyond the confines of their own chapter any document concerning the Area”. She felt confidentiality should be held even within one’s oun chapter. Barbara said she would ask Bob Mills the origin of this statement.

Connie Poole was asked if this same of code of ethics was used across all areas and she said it was not Wording about sensitivity in the By Laws, Barbara will speak to Bob Mills about the Ethics Code of Conduct.

Barbara went over the highlights of several By Laws and Standing Rules that govern the Northeast Area

Barbara asked if there is flexibility in the Bylaws in regards to financials

Connie Poole replied there is a need for flexibility for financials.

Barbara explained that normally there is a rotation of officers every other year and the
Treasurer and Secretary are not the same year, due to all elected this year Charlotte asked if that would happen at year 3 and Barbara said she would check into that and report back.

The address for the Northeast Area changes with the President/Vice President

By Laws become effective when approved by the Board of Directors not when approved by FMCA.

A Northeast newsletter is being readied to send out to all members of the Northeast via email to all who are registered with FMCA.

Barbara stated Bob Mills is the Chairman of the National By Laws Committee and keeper of the Constitution.

Barbara defined the difference between Contracts and Invoices when planning rallies. Contracts must be approved by FMCA before any signatures for the Venue Invoices do not need approval from FMCA.

A directive for the Northeast Area by the National Executive officers Connie Poole states any deficiencies need to be recorded to go into the Standing Rules and must be completed within 60 days of the election of officers, due by June 15, 2019. Barbara and Maureen will meet in Ohio to draft Standing Rules. Connie Poole also offered to draft Standing Rules to help with the time line.

Discussion was held on sharing Documents thru Google Doc’s for sharing info for the rally. Barbara states she has a previous contract for New York State Fairgrounds. Tom and Barbara to share info for the rally

Lou asked when the Contract from the venue will be available; Barbara said it will be available soon. Other financial needs will be available after input from meeting with Maureen and Barbara set up the budget. Discussion: on budget to be at the next meeting if possible.

Discussion: on the flyer and registration for the Celebration of Syracuse. FMC is the profit making side of FMCA. Registration goes to FMC.

Barbara asked if anyone has a question on the cancellation dates, of 6/1 rather than 6/25. Do you think we will have enough people to handle all the events listed on the flyer. Need Captains to accompany guest if going on a trip off property along with all the costs.

The New York Fairgrounds really wants us to be there and have a successful event. Tom states it was easy working with the fairgrounds. We will be using the new Campground, it can accommodate at least 300 coaches.


Utilities available, some sites have 30 to 50 amp, water and sewer They want to showcase their new building

George Schremp in charge of parking, the parking committee will decide the parking arrangements, esp. Disable Parking. Feel free to contact him if you have any parking questions before he meets with Barbara next week.

Area planning meeting: May 31 to June 2, 2019 at Syracuse Fairgrounds, Barbara will check with Gary at the fairgrounds.

Barbara asks to bring the meeting to and end.

Talked about Zoom for the meeting., Barbara will get more information for the Board members.

Next meeting to be Sunday May 5, 2019 Use the same number to access

Meeting adjourned @ 8:18pm

Anne Archambault
NEA Executive Board

Approved 04/28/2019 – – Posted on 08/25/2019

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