Northeast Area National Presidential Election

From Jon Walker, President of FMCA.

On May 7, 2019, the ballots for the election of the Northeast Area National Vice President were tabulated by FMCA’s certified public accounting firm, and the numerical results are as follows:

Barbara Smith, F329936 – 12

John Traphagen, F20711D – 12

In the event of a tie, a revote must take place.

PLEASE NOTE: Only Northeast Area Chapter National Directors may vote and will receive a ballot via USPS at their mailing address of record at the national office. If you will be traveling during this time and you will not be able to receive the ballot at your address on file, please contact Kathy Anderson at the national office, 513-474-3622, ext. 216, or email, to make other arrangements.

Jon Walker

Deadline is June 15th, 2019

Northeast Motorhome Association Minutes: May 25, 2019

Northeast Area Minutes Date: May 26, 2019 Time: 7:00pm Conference call

Barbara called the meeting to order at 7pm

Anne asked if there were any objections to recording the meeting, no objections were heard.

Roll Call by Anne

Barbara Smith, Lou Snow, Charlotte Burrell, Charlie Lawrence, Patty Pritchard, Maureen Pelletier, John Poppe, Anne Archambault

Absent: Tom Ziobrowski

Invited Guest: Connie Poole


Old Business
Secretary Report
Treasurer Report
Standing Rules
New Business:
Rally update
Behind the scenes
Rally Planning Meeting
Board arrival Thursday May 30 after 2pm

Secretary Report

Anne reported that there is no report due to traveling for 5 days but will have this report as well as the last weeks report for review via email and approval at the meeting in NY.

Treasurer Report

Maureen updated the budget with line items for mileage for the Site visit and Chapter visits went explaining new line items, some questions were asked. Lou stated we may be able to get sponsorship from vendors to help with some of the expenses. Based on 200 attendees. Maureen explained that Barbara Smith’s expenses for the site visit would be paid for by FMCA but not for the rally. Maureen has made a deposit paid by 2 vendors. Charlie asked how much would be given to the chapters that participated in the Block Party, Barbara stated it would be $50.00.

Standing Rules

Connie asked if anyone had any questions or issues, hearing no comments she said we would go over the standing rules carefully to be available at the NY meeting for approval.


Barbara asked if everyone has submitted their bio’s for the newsletter, Maureen and Lou said no but would get them to Barbara soon. Barbara stated she would like to send it out on Tuesday. Included in the newsletter will be cost for Chapter ads for the program and the current working financial statement. Charlie stated it should be sent to the Chapter Presidents so they can send it to their membership. Barbara stated she will be sending it to the Presidents and the Chapter boards for distribution to the chapter members. Barbara also mentioned she will need pictures of the board members for the program, also discussed FMCA Plates for the new board members. Barbara stated so far there are 139 signed up for the rally. Some chapter that have signed up for volunteers: Finger Lakes and Niagra Frontier Travelers will be in charge of seminars Fun and Games by New York Centrals Registration and Information, Yankee Travelers Still need captains for: 50/50 Tickets Ladies Social Manage Caravans as they come in

Rally Planning Meeting

Barbara asked if it would be good to arrive in Syracuse on Thursday before 2pm. There were no objections. The fairgrounds wants everyone before 10pm. Cost is $30.00 per night Board members will go in on Thursday to finalize some planning before the Captains come in on Friday There are 7 Board members and 5 Captains expected.

Barbara stated she did ask if Crafters and speakers can participate even thought they are not FMCA members.

Barbara stated the contract has one minor simple addendum, Re: how we will resolve a dispute in case we disagree on something. The contract has not been signed yet but Barbara expects it will be ready for signature very soon. Barbara stated she would send out the Topic areas to discuss this weekend. Those to include: The Welcome Letter, Volunteer arrival for the rally, Toy Collection Vendor Letters to the Dealers ,Bylaws and Standing Rules and General Policy.

Lou asked about the status of sponsorships, he made a suggestion to make a banner for the front of the stage with all the names of the sponsors.

Behind the Scenes

Barbara asked Lou to explain some things to look for, Lou said it is important to know where everything is going. General oversight. Tables and Chairs, Vendors and Dealers. FMCA store sends merchandising early, where should it be stored.

Lou reports he has tried to contact the local Red Cross numerous times with no response from them, he will continue to try to contact them, he suggested they use the International Building as they will need access to restrooms. It was suggested they might have a self contained Bus.

Barbara said there will be a welcome letter in the program as well as a number of other information such as display coaches, parking information, Volunteer parking, craft classes, Wal-Mart location, Maureen asked if Mail would be delivered to the fairground or does it have to be forwarded to the local post office.

Contract package: Lou suggested that some vendors may want to rent golf carts and we should give them the information when sending out the contracts so they will have it before coming.

John Poppe will speak to the Fire Dept. when we are in NY for the Site visit.
Patty states she has 3 vendors that have signed a contract

Barbara suggested the board get together for one meal.

There will be the Board and 5 captains this weekend in Syracuse and we may need a parking crew.

Anne asked about directions to the fairgrounds. It was thought that taking exit 39 to 690 to the fairgrounds was the easiest. Barbara said she would check with the fairgrounds.

Barbara gave a list of documents:

Copy of job descriptions
2017 show book
Seminars National Directors
Organization Chart
Diagram of fairgrounds map
Vendor Contracts
Standing Rules & Bylaws
Minutes for approval
Cones and Safety

Adjourned Meeting 7:50pm

Anne Archambault
NEA Executive Board

Approved 06/06/2019 – – Posted on 08/25/2019

Northeast Motorhome Association Minutes: May 18, 2019

Date: May 19,2019 Time: 7:00: Conference Call

Barbara calls meeting to order, and asked everyone to announce themselves and wait to be called on.

Anne announces she is recording the meeting and asks for any objections

Anne calls roll call:

Barbara Smith, Maureen Pelletier, Charlie Lawrence, Patricia Pritchard, John Poppe, Charlotte Burrell, Anne Archambault.
Absent: Lou Snow, Tom Ziobrowski
Invited Guest: Connie Poole


Secretary Report
Treasurer Report
Ethical Code of Conduct, how it was constructed
Standing Rules
New Business:
Rally Update

Secretary Report

Anne explained she has not been able to set up a time to go over minutes with Barbara but that Barbara Smith has all the minutes of the meetings we have had for review. Anne suggested she send out the minutes to everyone for review and be prepared to approve all minutes at the meeting in Syracuse during the site visit on June 1 or 2. Charlie asked for all minutes that were sent out after comments be Date stamped Charlotte stated minutes need more clarification to understand them easier.

Treasurer’s Report:

Maureen asked if everyone had a chance to review the budget she prepared for the last meeting. She asked if anyone had any questions. She also asked if she had left out any line item or dollar amt. Charlie said he had no problems, others expressed the same.

Ethical Code of Conduct:

Barbara explained she contacted Bob Mills, who helped draft the Code. Barbara sent the members of the board his reply. No further discussion was needed. Email from Bob Mills will be attached to this report.

Standing Rules:

Connie thanked everyone for their input, she explained this was still a rough draft so if anyone had other suggestions she would like them sent to her so she could have it ready for board review at the Syracuse site visit to be sent to National very soon. Charlie said they looked good, Connie again asked that everyone review them carefully and get back to her with any concerns.

Maureen refereed to page 3 #14 Board of Directors , NEA Code of Conduct Maureen asked for clarification between Board of Directors and the Executive Board, What is the difference? #17 the last sentence majority of Executive Board Anne asked what designates a quorum for the Executive board, it was determined to be 51% of voting member.

There was a discussion on the time line for the budget, referring to Item 20 under the Standing Rules for the budget it is suppose to be available 30 days prior to voting on it and it is the responsibility of the Treasurer. Charlie suggested we put it on the agenda to be done in Syracuse including the Audit Committee and the Nominating Committee. Maureen stated she has sent to members of the Executive Board a preliminary budget.


Barbara said it is going out soon, it will include information on the costs for the ads in the program, it will include the bios that were sent to Barbara to introduce ourselves to the Northeast Area members. Also including billing for Chapters cost for ads, requests for door prizes, and an explanation of the 3 elections and results.

Charlotte expressed concern for the web site, Barbara said it was still under construction and Ed is working on getting it just the right way instead of piece meal. Leo Ouellette is the web master. Charlie suggested getting the newsletter to the captains and let them distribute to their members.

Rally Update:

Contract draft has been sent to lawyers but has not been released to Barbara yet, however she did say there have been no changes. As soon as she gets it she will inform the board.

Program cover:

Did everyone see the cover change with the boat, RV’s and Erie Canal on it and how did everyone feel about it , Charlie stated he did not receive a copy of it, Barbara stated she would send it to him after this meeting. Roll call was taken for approval, all other present members approved. Barbara asked Anne to get in touch with Lou Snow and Tom Ziobrowski for their opinion. Anne questioned the cost of the addition, Barbara said that is the hourly cost for the Artist.


Still looking for local entertainment and other suggestions for entertainment Saturday night.

Wednesday night is considered for the volunteer dinner.

Thursday night opening ceremonies We have entertainment for Thursday night.

Friday night Block Party

Saturday night Open

Other discussion about different forms of entertainment, such as a comedian, 50’s and 60’s music, if anyone has other ideas please let Barbara know.

Golf Carts, Charlotte reports that two companies have shown interest however they will need to know how many 2,4,6 passenger carts are needed and the dates. Discussion on how many needed it was decided that no 2 person carts needed approx 20 would be needed and most should be 4 person carts maybe 8 for officers (National officers may need some) 20 four person, and 5 six person would be best. Charlie suggested 3 working carts would be needed. Barbara stated she would contact the captain for transportation for advice. Patty said she had 2 vendors want contracts for the rally.

Blue Water Hospitality, they are a buy in resort, they want to talk to chapters about doing rallies at their facilities.

There is a cosmetic company also interested

Essential Oils would like to do a seminar

Travel Resorts of America is also interested

Briter Batteries also looking to do a booth and outdoor display

Colton RV to bring in RV’s they are also interested in taking an ad in the program, they are also considering donating door prizes.

Charlie also suggested getting in touch with Prevost and Newell

Barbara stated that Lou has contacted the Red Cross and is waiting to hear more from them.

Ice Cream social waiting to hear if the Green Mountain Chapter will take care of that.

Planning Meeting:

Barbara has 4 important documents to discuss
Discussion on the organization of seminars
Chapter Fair, Barbara asked Anne to take responsibility
Crafts, need a captain
Goody Bags needs a captain
Greeters captain needed
Trams Allo Quebec
Volunteer Dinner Jeff Lampier
Barbara asked which captains should be invited to the Syracuse Site visit on May 31 to June 2 Charlie suggested a Call Tree to the Captains for a visit to Syracuse
Security, yes
Trams, Yes
Safety, Yes
Red Cross, No
Coffee and Donuts, No
Crafts, No
Newsletter, No
Door Prizes, No
Program Book, Yes
FMCA Store, No
Signs, Yes
Golf Carts, No
Information, No
Ladies Social, No
Fire Dept, Yes
Master of Ceremony, Jack Mayberry
Maestros, No
Radios, No
Will Call, No
Youth Program, No
Charlie suggested we get a list of agenda for the Site visit in Syracuse.
Some concerns:
Tables & Chairs

Discussion on the Hotel cost for 5 rooms for the performers Charlie suggested to go over by $1000.00 should be ok. We have an Entertainment Host willing to provide a meal for opening night entertainment if we need him. Barbara to investigate the cost of hotel rooms and follow up with an interested performer’s agent. Maureen asked if you need to be an FMCA member to teach classes like painting lady, Barbara said she will check with FMCA Vendors need their own insurance .

Question if there is a charge for crafters, no because the crafter charges and therefore they do get paid. Barbara will check with FMCA to see if they need to sign a waiver of liability for crafters.

Barbara states for the next meeting: List of Captains, she will get information to Lou, she will call about contracts and risks and insurance.

Next meeting May 26 at 7 pm, same phone number.

Meeting Adjourned 8:10pm

Anne Archambault
NEA Executive Board

Approved 05/18/2019 – – Posted on 08/25/2019

Northeast Motorhome Association Minutes: May 13, 2019

Northeast Area Minutes Date: May 13,2019 Conference Call 515-606-5845 Ext 907272# Time 7:05 Barbara Smith called the meeting to order

Anne asked for permission to record the meeting, no objections voiced

Roll Call:

Barbara Smith, Lou Snow, Charlotte Hawkins Burrell, Charlie Lawrence, John Poppe, Patricia Pritchard, Anne Archambault, Maureen Pelletier, Tom Ziobrowski Invited Guest: Connie Poole


Minutes Discussion
Standing Rules Discussion/ Comments
Rally Updates – Contracts, etc
Area Rally Planning Meeting


Barbara states she has an additional phone number 513-319-0198

Barbara also states the election for Area Vice President/ President was a tie and there will be another election soon.

Secretary Report:

Anne went over the minutes of the April 26, 2019 meeting with some corrections that were sent to her by Maureen. Barbara stated she wanted to go over one area with Anne via phone call. No action was taken to approve the minutes at this time. Charlie stated it has taken a long time to go over them and would like to have others go over the other minutes and send Anne any corrections via email so we can get on with the important issues re: the standing rules with Connie. No motion was made but everyone agreed. Barbara will contact Anne about concerns.

President Report:

Barbara stated she was getting the newsletter ready over the next few days and would like a paragraph from each member to introduce themselves to the FMCA members. Please get them to her soon.

Barbara would also like to know which Northeast Chapter each of us is going to visit this summer.

Standing Rules:

After several minutes of general discussion Charlie suggested the changes and comments that other members have be sent to Connie Poole for review and clarification so she can stream line them and send them out to members. Please get any comments to Connie soon, as she would like to get them out to us before the weekend. Charlie stated We, the committee are trying to address all the concerns that National wants addressed. A Bylaw’s committee was not elected as we are trying to set rules for the Northeast Area that will satisfy National’s suggestions to move forward.

Rally Information:

As of the past Friday 104 coaches are registered for the rally.

The Contract for the venue is with insurance and attorneys for FMCA. We are not expecting any changes as the New York State has in the contract No Changes will be made. Barbara stated she is concerned with Safety issues and asked John to make sure all safety issues are addressed, Example: Parking for overflow across the street as golf carts cannot cross a public road.

Barbara stated she would like to take a Tag Team Approach. She asked Lou if he would do the Blood Drive, he agreed. Charlotte was asked if she would manage the volunteer at large list, she agreed. Barbara asked Lou if Charlotte was not available all the time would he be in charge of the list and he agreed.

Treasurer’s Report:

Rally Budget:

Maureen reviewed the budget for the rally; she explained she used what she had from the 2017 rally of 300+ coaches, budget to determine the 2019 budget, using 200 coaches. Maureen asked for comments and feedback from the board. Barbara stated the budget for golf carts was scaled back and can be increased depending on the rally reservations, the same goes for entertainment.

Other discussion re: the rally

Vendor bucks
Food vendors, the Fairground concessions will be open for business as well as some food trucks.

Lou spoke about the volunteer dinner and it needs to manage the volunteer list as last time there seemed to be more volunteers at the dinner than was on the list. That is why the food vendor ran out of food and supplies. It was suggested that the volunteer captain be in charge of how many attend the dinner.

Barbara stated she would send everyone the information she receives about food vendors to the members of the board as soon as she receives that information. Further discussion was on suggestions for other food vendor for the volunteer dinner, please keep the budget in mind when looking for a vendor.

Lou asked about vendors for the golf carts and the cost, at this time Barbara is checking into all vendors for the golf carts.

Discussion on the cost for Military color guard, John said he didn’t think we have paid in the past, just allowed them to have a booth at no cost. John and Lou also said in the past we have used FMCA members who served in the military and local EMS, Firefighters and Police to wear their uniforms to present the colors. John also stated in the past we have allowed organizations such as Mountain Medical, VFW, Lions Club have a booth at no charge.

Discussion on Day Gate income, Tom said he doesn’t remember getting any at the last rally.

Barbara stated she received a proposal for entertainment from the Coasters, cost would be $4000.00 with one night of hotel stay for 5. We could save reduce dinner money by providing them with a home cooked meal we prepare prior to their performance. Barbara will write up the proposal and send to each board member for approval.

We are still looking into local talent for other performances.

Radio’s, Eastern area will loan us 30 of theirs but we must provide the batteries. Unable to understand who will also loan us rearview mirrors for the golf carts.

Lou asked if the contract is just for the building Barbara will disclose everything when the contract is released and signed.

Discussion: also on stage set up, the audio for everything except seminars. Those will have to be provided by the person giving the seminar.

Indoor vendors will need electricity and that is provided from the floor, a small pedicel will come up from the floor to under their booths.

Some indoor vendors include Fantasy Tours and they will do a seminar

Brider Battery will have a table and do a seminar, Brider is a new benefit vendor and is excited to be associated with FMCA

Charlie asked about ads for the program, Barbara states they will be available on google docs.
National Officers will be attending the rally:

Jon Walker will present the President’s Forum
Jack Mayberry will discuss Member benefits
Gay Young round table discussion
J R also a round table discussion as well as FMCA University
John White and Barbara Smith to meet with First Timers

Charlotte asked bout arriving at the fair grounds for the site visit Barbara stated we should arrive around 2pm on Friday May 31.
Maureen asked about what gate to arrive at and Barbara stated she would find an get back to us. Possibly, gate 6.

Tom and Lou discussed compensating people for the visit, they did not reimburse for mileage in the past. No decision was made. It was asked if there would be free sites and should we pay out for mileage for a site visit, in the past NEA has absorbed some of the costs of the camping fees. In the past some mileage was paid for Site visit but not for planning visit.

Charlie asked about the Executive meeting where it was discussed that the Executive Director and Chief Financial officer being the same person. Barbara stated that has been discussed by the AVP’s, She will update when she can. The notes from that meeting are on line for anyone that would like to read them.

Barbara stated the next meeting will be next Sunday May 19,2019 at 7pm with the same number.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm

Anne Archambault
NEA Executive Board

Approved 05/13/2019 – – Posted on 08/25/2019

Northeast Motorhome Association Minutes: May 05, 2019

Date: May 5, 2019 Time: 7:01pm Conference Call

Barbara called the meeting to order at 7:01pm

Secretary called the roll:

Those in attendance

  • Barbara Smith
  • Lou Snow
  • Maureen Pelletier
  • Charlie Lawrence
  • Patricia Pritchard
  • John Poppe
  • Charlotte Burrell
  • Tom Ziobrowski
  • Anne Archambault

Barbara presented the agenda

Standing Rules prepared by Connie Poole
Rally update
National items

Anne Asked if there were any objections to recording the meeting no objections were noted. Anne gave an update on the previous minutes; stated members should receive a copy of the minutes in a couple of days.

She also had a question on the form for National office, Barbara stated she would contact Dianna Mitts for the answer and get back to Anne.

Beginning balance $60,094 in the checking account
Maureen will meet with Barbara this week to transfer her name to the account at Bank of America. The bank indicated that any other signature has to be a member of the board. Barbara indicated she has asked Charlotte to be a second signature on the account, and she has agreed. Discussion on having a 2 signatures on checks is not a good idea, having a second signature on the account incase the treasurer is unable to sign is a good idea.

Standing Rules

Connie Poole was unable to attend this meeting but sent a draft for review.

Barbara said all the suggestions are a result of a National Meeting held last year and is available to this board, Barbara can get copies.
#4 there is one debit card that is active but has not been used, Barbara has that card. Barbara will ask for a second credit card when she meets with the bank.
#5 reimbursements, Area travel, we stick to the same rules as National in regards to time line, receipts and mileage
#6 Maureen reviewed them and Charlie Lawrence will send suggestions to everyone when meeting is over.

Barbara asked that we table the complete list until Connie can join us for further discussion.

Rally Update

Barbara stated she verified that all dealers at the rally must be New York registered dealers.

Discussion on seminars:

Geeks on Tour, RV techs to do seminars

Pin ordering:

Tom has an alternative source and will share with Barbara
Discussion of the logo and design for the pins,
FMCA logo
Bus logo

Barbara will get feedback from the office in Cincinnati and report back

Parking Materials:

Barbara reported she had a U-Line Catalog for ordering safety gear for the rally such as Cones, vests and other materials, should the northeast purchase them, we would have to store them when not in use. With the boards approval Barbara will check with George Schremp and Bill Mallory from the Eastern Area to see if we can borrow theirs instead of purchasing. Charlie asked if the fairgrounds had pile-ons. Barbara will check
Appealing to Broader audience:

A local Casino was in contact with Maureen and said they would provide transportation for free and come to the fair grounds and pick up people and return them.
Serious concern for the vendors, if people leave the grounds, they are not using the vendors and participating in the rally festivities and vendors will be angry.
It was suggested to have that option on a day before the vendors open and not interfere with the rally.

Patty stated:

Costco is providing $4000.00 worth of water for the volunteers
Maestros will be allowed to stay in Costco’s parking lot the night before entering the fairgrounds

Patty spoke to John Burdick he is taking and ad in the show magazine to show RV’s
There is a dealer taking out a full page ad
Barbara stated there has been no change in the entertainment. Patty said she had information on local entertainment and Barbara asked her to look into it and report back.

Discussion on when officers going into the fairgrounds as early as Sunday
Barbara met with George Schremp and parking was discussed.
There is a holding area; Barbara will send a map to board members when she can.

National Items:

Barbara is in Cincinnati now and will be attending meetings


Several national wide chapters are holding at only 15 members, so there may be consideration to lower the membership to 12.
National approached Barbara to tell her they may be sending 2 members from National to sell memberships at the rally for free.
Barbara is concerned there is no item in our budget to pay for things like lodging and food for those coming so Barbara will be checking with the National office to make sure all is taken care of by them.
Area financial support for all areas may be going away, $1000.00.

Alternatives to the store, National is selling off old inventory and there is a new vendor this summer.

Lou asked if National is going to have the rally in Syracuse for the summer of 2020, discussion of contracts and Tom’s input, no decision has been finalized yet. Prices for the venue will come from Albany and will not come out until Jan 1 2020.

Barbara states the Newsletter went out last week, Charlotte stated some members did not receive it including her. Maureen suggested people check their spam for things not found. Barbara will continue to check into it with the techs. Charlie Lawrence also said there was a problem with the registration on the web site, Barbara indicated she sat with Penny at the office in Cincinnati for 45 min discussing the problems. Barbara agreed and will check that also.

At this time there are at least 50 registered and more expected after the newsletter went out.

Mother’s day is next Sunday so all agreed the next meeting will be Monday May 13, 2019 at 7pm. using the same number.
Meeting Adjourned 8:00 pm

Anne Archambault
NEA Executive Board

Approved 05/05/2019 – – Posted on 08/25/2019 updated on 09/15/2019