Northeast Motorhome Association Minutes: May 20, 2018

5/20/18 – 7:01 pm


  • T Ziobrowski
  • D Merlino
  • D Osterhout
  • J Traphagen
  • L Snow
  • J Sennett
  • H Soulia

Due to the absence of B Smith, President, L Snow, Sr. VP called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

D Merlino, Secretary announced that the meeting was being recorded and asked for any objections, no objections were heard.

D Merlino gave roll call, 7 Board Members in attendance; B Smith was unable to attend

One update: Make a correction to the rally report – $3,400 refunds changed to $5,400; Jim sent a corrected copy to the Secretary. J. Traphagen made a motion to approve secretary minutes of 5/6; Don 2nd; no discussion needed; motion carried.

Jim Sennett gave a Treasurers report; (see recording); account has been closed, and reopened in another Bank (Citizens Bank). Jim suggests we have only 2 signatories on the new account. Jim will keep us updated as to the process of adding a signatory. Tom made a motion to make Donna as a signatory; Don 2nd; motion carried

Motion was made by Jim Sennett that we have at least 2 board members approve any expenditure; Moving forward, based on the checking account balance, all expenditures must be approved by at least 2 board members and the Treasurer before a check is cut. If something comes up that those 3 can’t agree on it goes before the board as a whole. Harley – 2nd; discussion – motion carried

New Business: home office needs a date for when our Annual Meeting is to be scheduled within the next 90 days. Per Jon Walker it will not be done during an International Convention. The board agreed to have a letter sent to home office

Renewal of our web page: John T. made a motion to renew the web page; Lou Snow – 2nd; discussion; motion carried 5 years is the best deal – approx. $180.00;

John T. made a motion to adjourn; Don 2nd; meeting adjourned

Donna Merlino
NEA Executive Board

Approved 05/20/2018 – – Posted on 06/25/2018

Northeast Motorhome Association Minutes: May 06, 2018

5/6/18 – 7:01 pm

  • T Ziobrowski
  • D Merlino
  • D Osterhout
  • J Traphagen
  • L Snow
  • J Sennett
  • H Soulia

Due to the absence of B Smith, President, L Snow, Sr. VP called the meeting to order.

D Merlino, Secretary announced that the meeting was being recorded and asked for any objections, no objections were heard.

D Merlino gave roll call, 7 Board Members in attendance; B Smith was unable to attend per an email received by the Secretary at 6:00 pm

J Traphagen made a motion we proceed in going to the Susquenango Labor Day Invitational Rally in Bainbridge NY for our NEA 2018 Annual Meeting as previously discussed in the meeting of 4/29/18. Dates for the Rally are Aug 31-Sept. 3; 2nd by T Ziobrowski – Motion carried with a voice vote by each board member.

*The board discussed scheduling a specific date for the meeting; D Osterhout stated that Sunday, Sept 2, would be the best date per the Rally schedule; although, it was suggested that we wait to finalize a date until input can be given from B Smith.

*D Osterhout asked if the board wanted to have any additional ads published in the FMC magazine for the meeting. Consensus was that an email notification would suffice.

Motion made by T Ziobrowski to adjourn the meeting; J Traphagen 2nd; meeting adjourned at 7:15
Donna Merlino
NEA Executive Board

Approved 05/06/2018 – – Posted on 06/01/2018

NEA Officer elections

Current officers from the Northeast area are interested in running for reelection in 2018. Below is the list:
    Lou Snow – F-201098
                     Sr. VP
    Donna Merlino – secretary
    Don Osterhout  – VP
    Harley Soulia  – VP
    Jim Sennett – Treasurer

If anyone is interested in running for office, contact the nominating committee ASAP:

Terry Metcalfe

Harley Soulia

Tom Ziobrowski

We are not aware of any challengers at this time.

Don’t throw it away

FMCA magazine showed up this week. But you might be temped to toss it. Don’t! It’s now called:

“family RVing”


There were some highlights from the international in Perry, Ga. However, they skipped our Area Vice President and her husband handing out ice cream during the Ice Cream Social. Below is a picture. Ed has the green hat.